You have medium porosity hair? Provide it with proper care!

Rule number one: do not harm it. Rule number two: repair if possible. These two sentences summarize how hair care of medium porosity hair should look like. It is very difficult to define what such hair type needs – methods of conditioning both low and high porosity hair may prove to be effective for medium porosity hair.

Medium porosity hair is nothing to be afraid of. Many women are happy with such hair as it brings them closer to low porosity. Medium porosity hair is not as fussy as damaged hair. It is much easier to deal with and much healthier. Obviously, it is not perfect but even low porosity hair has its shortcomings. It is better to have medium porosity hair than extremely damaged strands.

We should elaborate on this and discuss two most important rules that girls with medium porosity hair should follow in their daily hair care routine.

Rule One: protect

Medium porosity hair is sensitized due to cuticles which are not bound tightly together. That is why, its condition may decrease easily. Medium porosity hair may turn into high porosity easily whereas changing it into low porosity hair is hard to achieve. Therefore, the first rule focuses on the protection. Women who have medium porosity hair should not harm it. What does it mean?

We may weaken condition of our strands with: overusing heavy styling products, regular blow-drying/straightening/curling/dying, not using masks or conditioners, not providing it with protection from the sun and frost. We should change it and provide our hair with proper moisture. Non-penetrating hair oils are very effective. They cover the strands with a thin protective layer and prevent damage and loss of precious water and micronutrients.

Rule Two: repair

Medium porosity hair has raised cuticles which should be closed – we must change it. Hair cuticles can be raised or closed. Our task is to prevent them from raising and make them closed. Closed hair cuticles mean that hair is healthy. However, nobody says that medium porosity hair cannot be healthy.

Regeneration of medium porosity hair should be based on oils and silicones. You must be careful with the silicones as they work in different ways for different hair but they create a protective layer on hair. Hair oils for medium porosity hair can be penetrating and non-penetrating. The penetrating oils have smaller particles, work inside the hair by delivering nourishment, repair and vitality. The non-penetrating oils have larger particles, work on the hair surface by smoothing, softening and making hair shiny.